Monday, November 9, 2009

Church Services for Pets and Owners

Has an idea struck you that you were confident would benefit you and many others but in the end you forfeit its possibilities assuming the masses will consider you crazy or the idea is taboo?

Well I had one such thought and I was shocked that in California, it's coming true! Church service for pets and owners! In Los Angeles, Reverend Tom Eggebeen at Covenant Persyterian Church conceived the idea as a way to attract parishioners to his mostly empty pews. So he turned God's house into a doghouse by offering a 30-minute service complete with individual doggie beds, canine prayers and an offering of dog treats! Recognizing that many Americans love their dogs as much as humans, like true family members, Rev. Eggebeen opened the church to these God-created creatures.

Which type of dogs are welcome? All are. From pit bulls to miniature Daschunds to bichon frises. All dogs are welcome. I would imagine the dogs have to demonstrate obedience and correct social behavior.

While the pooches showed up on Sunday, they didn't seem interested in dogma. But it attracted many new faces and parishioners.

A 30- minute service with dogs? This also would help with the attention span of small children. My kids are asking me to go to our pastor and propose the idea. Minnesota is not quite as progressive as California. This will take some dogged efforts.

Share your thoughts and comments!