Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Should Child Rapist Go Free?

My dear readers,

Here is a sensitive issue that has me inflamed that I turned to my blog to unburden my shock and share my horror and hope you will respond inkind.

As you may have heard, Oscar- winning film director, Roman Polanski, plead guilty to having sex with 13 year-old girl in 1977. When he knew the judge was going to pronounce his long-term sentence, he fled to France. The French do not extradite their citizens and now they are pressuring the Swiss, where Polanski is currently being held for extradition, not to release him to the U.S.

There is a movement to pressure US officials to drop the charges. The backers range from France and Poland (where he holds dual citizenship) to other famous celebrities. Why? Because he's a brilliant film maker and celebrity?

In general, do you think a child rapist should go free? If it were your child, would you want him to never spend a day in prison if the man produced your favorite film? Perhaps he has reflected and repented but he has never served his term for violating a child. Does his award credits outweigh a child's innocence?

Does a 20 year run and a status of brilliance in film making grant immunization for such heinous crimes? An average person would never be granted clemency.

Am I being unreasonable? Please weigh in by clicking on COMMENTS below and share your opinion. I wonder how many "average people" like me, a mother like me, feel the same disgust that a culture around the world can easily disregard the act of raping a 13 year old child because he has already won favor and the hearts of the art world.

For the complete story, CLICK HERE.

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Melissa said...

Even the ultra diplomatic Cokie Roberts from ABC News agrees he should be shot! to quote: "He raped and drugged and raped and sodomized a child. And then was a fugitive from justice. As far as I’m concerned, just take him out and shoot him.” From the Green Room of program THIS WEEK. I completely agree with her.