Tuesday, November 11, 2008

On this Veteran's Day

Today is Veteran's Day and to answer your burning question, yes I have heard from John. He was on a mission, the details are confidential. He is safe, he is in good spirits and he's coming home soon! With this news, I felt like buying a new dress to look good for his homecoming. But since I left my job, shopping for a new dress is a luxury. My husband returning in time for Thanksgiving IS a luxury. I'll take the latter! So in the spirit of this wonderful news, I decided to get a new look--not a dress for me-a blog dress. In "shopping around" designer blogs, I came across this artistic template.

This is a painting by Van Gogh not the famous Grecco painting from Spain. But the whimsical strokes are purposeful. They tell a story. So this blog is my story.

Someone recently asked me how they could help our military men and women. Easy! Give2thetroops.org is an organization that collects care packages and toiletries and ships them to our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Everyday things like Beef Jerky, instant drink mixes, coffee, air freshener, batteries and DVD movies are like gold to them. Check the website for items currently needed by our troops.

You'll notice on the website that our soldiers are also asking for gently worn or new clothes and toys for the children of these war torn countries. Many soldiers and Iraqi and Afghani children are friends. Yes friends. Through the universal language of sports, playing soccer or teaching baseball and even English, these children and soldiers develop an enviable bond, the one highlight they all look forward to any day there's no fighting or mission. I am grateful for these children who give my husband hope and lift the spirits of our weary soldiers.

Please consider sending a few items to this organization. They will ship the packages for you.
Thank you for considering. God Bless you, our troops and God Bless America.